Hoy no tengo receta, sino una actividad que puedes hacer con tus pequeños en casa para decorar y aprovechar de las piñitas o pine cones (conos de coníferas) que han recogido este año y son... ¡Los ÁNGELITOS de PINE CONES! Tomé esta idea de mi hija Crystal, quien hace quince años lo hizo como una asignación en clase de pre-primaria. Ella me obsequio el ángel y desde entonces lo he guardado todo este tiempo. Todavía se ve hermoso para mí, excepto que ahora el cono se ha desgastado (foto mas abajo).
Today I have no recipe, but instead an activity you can do with your little ones at home to decorate and take advantage of the pine cones you have collected this year. PINE CONE ANGELS!!! I got this idea from my daughter Crystal, who fifteen years ago did one as a classroom assignment in pre-K. She gave me the angel as a present and I've kept it all this time. It still looks beautiful to me, except now the cone has worn away.
Si tienes la suerte de tener tus propias piñitas en tu patio o un vecino que las tenga solo tienes que ir a recogerlas y listo! Si no tendrás que comprarlas, pero en esta época se encuentran fácilmente.
A few days ago I received a bunch of pine cones from a neighbor. Lucky me! I love decorating with them and this time I thought of making some angels.If you are lucky enough to have your own pine cones in your yard or a neighbor that does, all you have to do go out to collect them (it would be nice to ask you neighbor for permission first), Mari, does not want to be responsible for any trespassing, lol. If not, you'll need to buy some at your local craft store. Finding them at this time of the year is easy.
pine cones
pistola de pegar y una barrita de pega de silicone
cinta fina (para formar un colgador)
hojas para las alas ( puede ser plumas o cinta gruesa)
papel de periódico o nuez (para formar la cabeza)
papel de aluminio (si prefieres, puede ser pintura dorada o plateada)
alambre o pipe cleaner (para el halo)
Nota: Yo lo hice con lo que ya tenia en casa, pero se pueden hacer que queden mucho mas bonitos.
Sacudir y limpiar bien las piñitas (pine cones). Formar un bola de 1 pulgada con papel de periódico y forrar de aluminio o pintarla, esta sera la cabeza del Ángel. Si deseas puedes dar a su Ángel un rostro utilizando un marcador negro para dibujar ojos, una nariz y una boca.
Shake and thoroughly clean the pine cones. Form a 1-inch ball of newspaper and cover with aluminum foil or paint, this will be the head of the Angel. If you want to give your angel a face use a black marker to draw eyes, a nose and mouth.
Mientras que la cabeza se seca si es que la pintó, puede trabajar en cuerpo del su Ángel. Pegue las hojas, pluma o cinta al cono, esta serán las alas.
While the head is drying (if painted) work in the angel's body. Glue the leaves, ribbon or feathers to the cone, this will be the wings.
Pegue la cabeza en el cono utilizando mucho pegamento para que la cabeza de su Ángel no se caiga.
Doblar un pequeño trozo de alambre de su preferencia en un círculo, este sera el halo del tu Ángel. Puedes pagarlo o simplemente colocarlo en la cabeza. También debes pegarle una cinta o hilo de nylon para poder colgar los angelitos del árbol de Navidad o guirnalda.
Fold a small piece of wire of your choice into a circle, this will be the halo of your angel. You can glue or just placed it on the head. Also make a loop out of a thin ribbon, string or nylon thread and glue to the back of your angel, this will alow you to hang your angel from a Christmas tree or garland.
Aquí esta una foto del arbolito navideño de un pueblo que visito, se llama MOCA y pertenece a la provincia Espaillat.
The following is the Christmas tree of a town I visited, it's called MOCA and belongs to the Province called Espaillat.
Today I have no recipe, but instead an activity you can do with your little ones at home to decorate and take advantage of the pine cones you have collected this year. PINE CONE ANGELS!!! I got this idea from my daughter Crystal, who fifteen years ago did one as a classroom assignment in pre-K. She gave me the angel as a present and I've kept it all this time. It still looks beautiful to me, except now the cone has worn away.
A few days ago I received a bunch of pine cones from a neighbor. Lucky me! I love decorating with them and this time I thought of making some angels.If you are lucky enough to have your own pine cones in your yard or a neighbor that does, all you have to do go out to collect them (it would be nice to ask you neighbor for permission first), Mari, does not want to be responsible for any trespassing, lol. If not, you'll need to buy some at your local craft store. Finding them at this time of the year is easy.
pine cones
pistola de pegar y una barrita de pega de silicone
cinta fina (para formar un colgador)
hojas para las alas ( puede ser plumas o cinta gruesa)
papel de periódico o nuez (para formar la cabeza)
papel de aluminio (si prefieres, puede ser pintura dorada o plateada)
alambre o pipe cleaner (para el halo)
Nota: Yo lo hice con lo que ya tenia en casa, pero se pueden hacer que queden mucho mas bonitos.
Sacudir y limpiar bien las piñitas (pine cones). Formar un bola de 1 pulgada con papel de periódico y forrar de aluminio o pintarla, esta sera la cabeza del Ángel. Si deseas puedes dar a su Ángel un rostro utilizando un marcador negro para dibujar ojos, una nariz y una boca.
Shake and thoroughly clean the pine cones. Form a 1-inch ball of newspaper and cover with aluminum foil or paint, this will be the head of the Angel. If you want to give your angel a face use a black marker to draw eyes, a nose and mouth.
While the head is drying (if painted) work in the angel's body. Glue the leaves, ribbon or feathers to the cone, this will be the wings.
Glue the head to the cone using enough glue to secure well.
Fold a small piece of wire of your choice into a circle, this will be the halo of your angel. You can glue or just placed it on the head. Also make a loop out of a thin ribbon, string or nylon thread and glue to the back of your angel, this will alow you to hang your angel from a Christmas tree or garland.
The following is the Christmas tree of a town I visited, it's called MOCA and belongs to the Province called Espaillat.
Esta entrada va dedicada a cada uno de mis lectores ¡¡Gracias por leerme!!
This post is dedicated to each of my readers Thank you for reading!
Que Dios te responda cuando estés en angustia, Que El te protega y te envíe ayuda... Que te conceda siempre su apoyo. - Salmo 20:1-2
May the LORD answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you. May he send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion. - Psalm 20
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